illustrated flooring 1
An updated draft of a practice composition done for my FINA 2135 course titled "Design in Contemporary Art" as taught by Vancouver artist Paulo Majano. The aim of the exercise for this composition was to take a number of photos that featured abstractions, close-ups of objects, as well as photos that emphasized blocks of colour and shape. We then used simple tools learned in our introductory lesson in Adobe Illustrator to make various shapes based on shapes we could see in the photo. When I first started creating the various shapes, I will admit that I was inspired by artist Piet Mondrian, specifically in regards to his use of shape and colour.
This image is also posted on Steven Lee's flickr.

illustrated flooring 2
A second practice composition done for my FINA 2135 course titled "Design in Contemporary Art" as taught by Vancouver artist Paulo Majano. The aim of the exercise for this composition was to take a number of photos that featured abstractions, close-ups of objects, as well as photos that emphasized blocks of colour and shape. We then used simple tools learned in our introductory lesson in Adobe Illustrator to make various shapes based on shapes we could see in the photo.
This photo is also posted on Steven Lee's flickr.

illustrated wall 1
A third practice composition done for my FINA 2135 course titled "Design in Contemporary Art" as taught by Vancouver artist Paulo Majano. The aim of the exercise for this composition was to take a number of photos that featured abstractions, close-ups of objects, as well as photos that emphasized blocks of colour and shape. We then used simple tools learned in our introductory lesson in Adobe Illustrator to make various shapes based on shapes we could see in the photo. When I first started creating the various shapes, I will admit that I was inspired by artist Piet Mondrian, specifically in regards to his use of shape and colour.
This photo is also posted on Steven Lee's flickr.

illustrated composition 1
A fourth practice composition done for my FINA 2135 course titled "Design in Contemporary Art" as taught by Vancouver artist Paulo Majano.
The aim of this exercise was to take the layers of shapes created in the other three photographs and merge them together onto a newly created gradient background in Adobe Illustrator, and make the merged layers look like a unified composition - as if it was created on its own without being taken from the other images.
This photo is also posted on Steven Lee's flickr.