From my WORK BLOG...

Help the KSA win $5,000 with KID CARSON and the BEAT 94.5 FM Vancouver by joining this Facebook group:

And, while you are there, join the main KSA group...

Facebook - a great site. A great place. Go join it now. Help the KSA win $5,000 that will be used to directly benefit Kwantlen students.

a few more articles online...

Further to my earlier posts regarding the foibles of Aaron Takhar, tonight I did a new search and found a few more articles... May 15, 2007...

Teen missing after car plunges into icy river (Richmond News; May 15, 2007)

May 18, 2007...

Two NRIs Charged In Vanderhoof Incident, One Youth missing (NRI News; May 15, 2007)

Sadly, there has not been much movement on this story. If you've found an article online that I've missed, e-mail me at


From my WORK BLOG...

The agenda for the next meeting of Council is now available online:

And I challenge my fellow Council members to either:

- Be on time for the June 13, 2007 Council meeting (that is, you should be sitting in your chair ready for the meeting to start at Noon sharp); or

- If you cannot make it, submit a proxy to someone who doesn't already have a vote (Council officers, liaisons, volunteers or other Kwantlen students).

Let's start on time for once!


From my WORK BLOG...

As promised, here is some information on the various ways the KSA is going green...

New Biodegradable Products...

The KSA is now going green by buying environmentally friendly, biodegradable products for use in our cafe operations. The KSA's new supplier is Green Shift and the KSA is currently using the following products in the KSA Cafe...

  • All Purpose Cleaner
  • Heavy Duty Industrial All Purpose Cleaner and Degreaser
  • 12oz. 4.25D x 2.38H, 500/case.
  • Lid for 12oz bowl: 4.41D x 0.43H, 500/case
  • 17oz. 4.49D x 3.27H, 500/case
  • Lid for 17oz bowl: 4.66D x 0.43H, 500/case
  • Take-Out Container: 6.3L x 6.06W x 3.19H (inches) 15.5oz.
  • Take-Out Container: 7.2L x 6.54W x 2.56H (inches) 20.5oz.
  • Take-Out Container: 8" square
  • Small 7" Plate: 7.09D x 0.71H
  • Large 9" Plate:9.05D x 0.79H - 10oz -solid/sturdy, 500/case 0.13/unit
  • 2oz Clear Portion Cup: for dips, dressing, sauces
  • Lids for 2oz Clear Portion Cups
  • Knife, Fork and Spoon
  • 10-16oz black raised lids (ie. like dome) -1200/case
  • 10 oz, 12 and 16 oz cup
  • Flat lid for 10 oz, 12 and 16 oz cup
  • 14, 9 and 16oz Clear Cup: for cold drinks
  • Latex Gloves: Natural & biodegradable
  • Glass Cleaner

The KSA also plans to use these items at future KSA events such as BBQs and other food serving events and will expand the use of the cleaners (such as glass cleaner) across all KSA offices.

Corn Commuter Mugs Now on Sale...

On another note, the KSA is also featuring new biodegradable Corn Commuter Mugs, from Kelsey Promo (picture of our mug to be posted shortly). The KSA charges $11.25 per mug, which includes tax and a free beverage on the first use of the mug (some visitors may remember that when the KSA previously sold mugs, $1.00 from every purchase was put towards KSA awards and bursaries - currently this is not being done and the pricing just covers costs).

The mugs are currently available at the KSA Cafe and at your campus's Member Service Office.

The KSA Cafe Green Discount...

The KSA cafe now offers a discount of $0.25 cents for everyone that bring their own mug to use for the drink that they order.

Green Photocopying...

The KSA is now using energy and ink efficient copiers on all of its campuses and also uses 100% recycled paper (35% post consumer). B&W copying currently costs $0.10 per page and you don't require a copy card to access this rate.

In the near future, copy cards will be available at local Member Service Offices at a significantly lower per page cost than what is offered by Kwantlen Univeristy College.

Why has the KSA gone green?

The KSA was inspired to go green earlier this year, based on its environmental policies as well as on the fact that other student unions such as the University of Manitoba Students Union who are also using biodegradable products in its operations.

The KSA encourages Kwantlen University College as well as other institutions and student unions to also go green.


From my WORK BLOG...

Today, I woke up around 10:00 am and wrote my Finance Report to Council. I had to prepare a lot of information for Council based on the last Finance Committee meeting, so writing the report took about 2 hours! I still have to finish my CFS report, which I may do right now.

I updated my summer schedule of hours by posting information about them on these forums.

I've also sent an e-mail to Cinemark, asking them about selling their Platinum Supersaver Discount tickets at our Member Service offices. They cost $7 US, so with the exchange rate, s&h and GST (there is no PST on movie tickets) they would cost just under $8 CDN. We could probably offer them at $8 or $8.50 to students. For matinees this would result in a savings of about $0.25 to $0.75 per ticket, for evening shows this could result in a savings of $2.25 to 3.25 if we had them at $8.50 or a savings of $2.75 to $3.75 if we sold them at $8. I had contacted Cinemark in 2005 about selling them at the KSA and they were interested. They do have plans to expand the Cinemark chain across Canada and selling them at the KSA (and possibly at other student unions) could help open them up to more patrons and a larger market. (NOTE: The KSA currently sells , and I've asked our Member Services Coordinator to look into the corporate discount program at Empire Landmark Cinemas and I'd like us to also look at securing some kind of discount through Festival Cinemas and through the Pacific Cinematheque. With the large number of students who take english, creative writing and other arts related courses at Kwantlen, I think they could all sell well. I also think it would be very cool if we could be a spot that sold tickets to the Vancouver International Film Festival).

Today I also asked our Commercial Services Manager to send me information on the new environmentally friendly products we will be using in the cafe. These include plastic-like forks, spoons, knives and other items made from corn and other bio-degradable sources. We are also selling mugs that are made out of corn. I hope to be able to present information on these new products to my next Finance Committee meeting and I'll also post information to this blog once I have it.

I also want to continue work on my self review which I mentioned in a previous post. Other work I want to get done today include finishing minutes of my last Finance Committee meeting and starting to prepare this week's Finance Committee agenda. I also hope to get a bit more work done on the communications plan I've been working away at. I want to get a chunk of it done so that it can be presented at this week's finance committee meeting.

I also want to be sure to e-mail old forms and information about old procedures to relevant individuals (especially in regards to clubs, volunteers, etc.).

Finally, I want to squeeze in some time today for homework.

Hope all is well,

- Steve