From my WORK BLOG... Here is an updated copy of the KSA budget, as of March 28, 2007. It lists revenues and expenditures up to March 28.

KSA Budget Update - March 28, 2007

Please note that there were some minor budget amendments done around this time and those are not reflected here, as the minutes for that meeting have not been compiled yet. They will be compiled shortly and those updates made accordingly.

The Finance Committee will be reviewing the budget in May and bringing amendments forward to Council in regards to some other areas including:

- Human Resources;

- Events;

- The creation of a new café expenditures section;

- The possible creation of a new “Storage Expenses” section. Currently, our storage rental costs are coming out of “Office Supplies;” as well as

- Other amendments upon review.


Here are the first 40 pages of the marketing plan for the KSA that I've been judiciously working on... KSA Marketing Plan - Draft 1

The draft includes:

- An introduction; - A summary of the climate that the KSA exists within (pretty much completed); - A competitive analysis (not yet completed); - A target market definition for primary, secondary and tertiary markets (not yet completed).

Please also excuse the fact that there is no table of contents!

I've done more than is actually posted here, moving into the KSA as an organization and reviewing the KSA's offerings, it's past and current marketing practices as well as recommendations for improving how we market and communicate with our target markets.

The draft report does reference a number of attachments, none of which have been compiled for posting yet. The only things that have been posted are the 2005 survey results, which I posted in an early blog entry.

As always, feedback is welcome.

- Steve

KSA By-Election & Referendum Results Released...

Official Results of the Spring 2007 KSA By-Election Official Results of the Spring 2007 KSA Referendum

Ruling on Complaints

Ballot Reconciliation

Both of these reports will be presented to the next meeting of the KSA Council, at which time the results of this By-Election will become binding on the society.

- Steven Lee


How does this compare to previous years?

In terms of turnout, this was probably an all time low for the KSA.

The following package has the results of the Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2004 and Spring 2006 KSA elections. The document in question was an attachment to a complaint I had filed with the Ombudsperson during the Spring 2006 general election. It does not include the results for the spring 2004 or the spring 2005 elections as I did not have those on hand at the time I wrote the complaint.

Compiled Results Fall 2001 - Spring 2006

Spring 2005 Final Report of the CRO with Election Results (Note: The results in the CRO's report differ slightly from who took office as per The Honourable Mr. Justice Maczko's Judgement on the Spring 2005 General Election. Essentially, the individuals with the highest number of votes took office.)

elections complaint resolved... :)

Today, I received a response from the CRO with his response to my complaint. His ruling is fair, as my situation of not being able to cast a vote on a ballot for my home campus was apparently the result of miscommunication and no other voters were affected in a similar manner.

I expect the CRO will present a report to the next meeting of Council (which should take place on April 25, 2007) regarding any other complaints that may have been filed and his rulings on those complaints as well as a report covering the results of the Spring 2007 by-election.

I must admit that I'm very impressed with CRO Fred Schiffner's work - he is probably one of the best CRO's the KSA has ever hired.

- Steve