then & now: yesterday (image 1 of 2)
30"x30" Photographic Print, Spring 1999.
A photograph of the old Trader Vic's restaraunt that used to sit outside Vancouver's Bayshore Hotel, taken in the late 1990s. The 35mm black & white negative of this film was scanned and blown up for a print that was sized 30x30 for my final proejct in Fine Arts 2370: Photography III at Kwntlen Polytechnic University as taught by Vancouver artist Ana Black.
This photo is also posted on Steven Lee's flickr.

then & now: today (image 2 of 2)
30"x30" Photographic Print, Spring 1999.
A photograph of the area where the old Trader Vic's restaraunt used to sit outside Vancouver's Bayshore Hotel, taken March 2011. The 35mm redscale negative of this film was scanned and blown up for a print that was sized 30x30 for my final proejct in Fine Arts 2370: Photography III at Kwntlen Polytechnic University as taught by Vancouver artist Ana Black.
This photo is also posted on Steven Lee's flickr.

then & now: yesterday 2 (image 1 of 2)
30"x30" Photographic Print, Spring 2011.
A photograph of the old Famous Players Capitol 6 movie theatre on Granville Street in Vancouver, taken in the late 1990s. The 35mm black & white negative of this film was scanned and blown up for a print that was sized 30x30 for my final proejct in Fine Arts 2370: Photography III at Kwntlen Polytechnic University as taught by Vancouver artist Ana Black.
This photo is also posted on Steven Lee's flickr.

then & now: yesterday 2 (image 2 of 2)
30" x 30" Photographic Print, Spring 2011.
A photograph of the area where the old Famous Players Capitol 6 movie theatre on Granville Street in Vancouver once stood, taken in March 2011. The 35mm redscale negative of this film was scanned and blown up for a print that was sized 30x30 for my final proejct in Fine Arts 2370: Photography III at Kwntlen Polytechnic University as taught by Vancouver artist Ana Black.
This photo is also posted on Steven Lee's flickr.

then & now: yesterday 1 & 2
the "then & now" series as installed in the Kwantlen Polytechnic University's Fine Art gallery on the Surrey Campus.
This photo is also on Steven Lee's flickr.