Voicemails are all we have —
(a messy cento mashup of words from videos
and from
the late Robert Kovacic
Roxanne Charles and
(Lisa Coan))
(I want some marshmallows man
I want some freakin marshmallows)
My cup is a motivation of
the beautiful woman beside me
This cup shows, if not expresses —
The passion, the love, her beauty.
Steve is this just a tape recording? Go ahead and leave your name your number and a brief message and we’ll definitely get back to you
We’re gonna see how long this records for and I don’t even know what’s going to happen at the end of this call Robert
It just goes
It just goes click
And just goes poof you know
It goes snap crackle pop
(pip pip
Rice Krispie)
We miss you Steven
Yeah when you have gone M.I.A.
for the third time, what are you
setting a land speed record here?
From the most M.I.A. PEOPLE ever
Yeah yeah you always call us
when when it’s the least opportune time
and you want us to JuMp (jump)
Don’t go
Then we can all meet at Dunkin Donuts
Yeah - that’s a helluva good idea too
Yeah I think so
They’ve got some good sandwiches there
Oh I know
They’ve got good conversation too
We can listen we can laugh and
we can contemplate what our next move
I wish Steven was here.
Ohhhhhhh I I I I think I’m getting excited
Steven where are you?
Hey we called you because we were talking and then Robert was saying I don’t want to get fucked over by someone with a dildo up my ass and I’m like
This sounds like something
Steven would say
Yes, you’ve reached M.I.A.!
Wishing you a merry merry merry merry Christmas and all the best in 2021
Let’s kick sum boot!
Donald Duck has left
All the best to you and your Mum
Take care of yourself Steve
Love you buddy.
Don’t forget you do have friends -
Chow for now!