Wow, the pain in my left arm is back with a vengeance, & as before it’s in my back and running up my neck. I took 2 extra strength @tylenol @tylenolcanada, as well as a nighttime @benadrylcanada as I was also very itchy. I also used a pain relief spray for muscles by @sierrasil_health, but nothing seems to be helping. I also have a horrible headache.
Not sure what to do. I walked the hallway, trying to do simple stretches to no avail. The pharmacist said if things continue to go to the ER, but looking online, the waiting time at Peace Arch is still over six hours. I’m hoping the Benadryl kicks in & puts me to sleep soon (and actually I think it is, thank God).
I felt better earlier today, after doing the yardwork. I thought maybe the movement had been good for me. So I don’t know why this is happening. I just want to feel normal again. I’d give anything to feel normal again. Mentally, emotionally, and physically.
This post was originally featured on Flickr and Instagram.