I was up past 3am today, as I finished a deep clean of my Mom’s fridge which is broken down right now, awaiting a part that will hopefully prolong its useful life for another decade or so. Instead of removing everything that could go to rot earlier in October, several tomatoes were left inside which went bad, spreading mold across the shelves & the surfaces of surrounding containers. To clean it, everything that had been left inside came out & piece by piece, I took out every shelf, & every part that made up the puzzle of the fridge’s bottom drawers. The drawers have never been taken apart like this, so every part was unscrewed to reveal the remnants of past spills which were cleaned up with warm water & bleach. Parts that were removed were run under hot water & several different cleaning solutions with a final soak in bleach before being rinsed & left to air dry. Should the part the repairman has ordered not work & my Mum has to buy a new fridge, this will be the cleanest fridge ever disposed of.
In October I suffered from a cold which gave me a persistent cough that has recently come back. Today though I was also super tired, a combination of having been up so late & continuing to cough so hard that I ended up vomitting a few times. I also have a fever but somehow managed to head out to get a few groceries. I had wanted to check out the monochrome art exhibit at the @vanartgallery which closes Sunday but I felt too exhausted to drive that far.
I managed to book appointments for my Mom’s dog Tiffany, & my dog Kira, to get their hair cut next week & in December. I stopped in @boosterjuice to get a smoothie loaded with vitamins & collagen to help ease the cold & flu like symptoms & to help heal the wounds on my legs heal that I keep picking at, removing thin strips of skin when I can’t sleep at night.
When I got home today, I slept. I’m supposed to go out on Saturday, to run errands for my Mum & attend a memorial but I’m not sure any of that will get done. It makes me feel so useless.
I’m craving junk food so bad but there’s not much in the house as I’ve somehow managed to not buy any, save for the unclaimed Halloween candy.
This was originally posted on Flickr and Instagram.