I look out the door to the room I’m in on the 6th floor of the Peace Arch Hospital in the wound care clinic, as I sit here waiting for a nurse to hook me up for my 49th round of daily IV dose of #antibiotics.
I was almost on time today, just a few minutes late, having stopped at the hospital cafeteria, known as the Eyaleq’ep (Tasty & Delicious) Cafe to grab a second tea, a bottle of water, and an oatmeal raisin cookie. But to be honest, there isn’t really anything tasty or delicious about the food there, which I’m sure is probably just the leftovers of what they made for the patients that day. The water goes down nicely, as I’m still not feeling 110% today. The last few days have sucked for me physically, I have little to no energy and feel like going to puke or pass out half the time. Trying to sleep has been rough when your stomach isn’t settled, and when I dash to the bathroom I wonder if I’ve caught some kinda stomach bug.
I started listening to DUNE on @audible - it’s 22 hours long which will make it the longest book on here that I’ve ever listened to, next to A COURSE IN MIRACLES which is easily double the length of DUNE. I’m only twenty minutes in, but hope to listen to a large chunk of it while doing some housework over the next few days. Ideally I’d like to get through it, and then watch the directors edition of the 1980s film, followed by last year’s PART 1 and finishing with PART 2 on IMAX.
I feel calmer today. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been so tired but at this specific moment, I’m happy to say I don’t feel like I’m going to pass out. The nurse has come, she wasn’t told I was here, but she’s hooked up the IV and has started the wound care on my toe which consists of changing the bandages. The swelling looks like it’s come down a bit, but it still has a ways to go before it’s closer to normal.
I want to sleep, but when I’m done here I’ll head to @thriftyfoods to get some chicken to cook for dinner. I have four thighs at home already but want to double it so I won’t have to cook anything tomorrow.