I want to beat myself up for sleeping in today. I don’t even remember being up late. I felt very drained last night, falling asleep fairly quickly once my head hit the pillow.
Once I did get up, the day moved along fairly quickly. I had a small bowl of organic, low sugar cereal with strawberries and raspberries cut into it. I then got dressed, and by the time I was in my Mom’s front yard, trimming the edges where the lawn met the sidewalk and the floral beds, it wasn’t that far past noon. The trimming took about forty minutes to finish, at which time I proceeded to cut the front and back grass. I then showered, putting on some clean clothes and hitting the road by 2:30pm.
I then lost my cool, as Google Maps said it would take almost 45 minutes to get to the @CineplexMovies in Langley. MAD MAX was starting at 3pm. I was going to be late. I did my best to retain my composure when I felt my temper rise, as there was nothing I could do to speed things up. My monkey mind tried to criticize myself, for not doing the lawn earlier. But again, it was nothing that could be fixed.
The theatre was empty. I was late but not too late - there was plenty of Mel Gibson left to see. After the show, I was headed to @StarbucksCanada to write but killed that idea when I realized Redwood Park was nearby, and listening to @JuliaCameronLive’s WALKING IN THIS WORLD, I decided to go for a walk, feet be damned. I needed the exercise.
I spent an hour walking, doing my best to not take photos with my phone for just over half the time. I stayed off Social Media, didn’t text a soul. The moments of solitude were contemplative. I tried my best to be in the moment, to be mindful of the moment. My thoughts wandered from school, to organizing I had to do, to THE ARTISTS WAY, my Dad, Robert, and feeling alone again. I yearned to hold someone’s hand, to chat with, to laugh with, and listen to. I yearned to feel the warmth of the sun and their body as we hugged, and then kissed.
I had brought my Bob Ross backpack with the intent to stop and write but that ultimately didn’t happen. I’m now at home, in bed, ready to sleep. Feeling grounded, ready to face tomorrow.
This was originally posted on Flickr and Instagram.