May 29, 2024: At 4:40am, my @epsoncanada XP-850 spat out small 4x6 images of my life, photo after photo, some complete, but many that randomly stopped after printing only a partial image. It was very awkward and annoying. What should have taken 15-20m stretched out to just over an hour’s time wasted, each failed print leaving me more and more agitated. I threw each failed print onto the small table next to my desk. As the time stretched on, I ripped up some of the glossy paper, letting the pieces float down onto the table and floor. Others I crumpled up and threw to the ground. It feels odd to throw paper, no matter the amount of anger behind the throw, the paper refused to move at a faster rate. No damage was done by any of the discarded pieces. Eventually, I managed to get the twenty or so images I wanted printed, but it took far too long.
In between the printing of each image, I took the time to brush my teeth, take my medication, and find a suitable outfit to wear which consisted of a pair of blackish-grey @levis jean shorts, a black t-shirt that says, “WE ARE ALL HUMAN,” and several necklaces: my bumblebee jasper heart, another with a chunk of carnelian, and a third with a tiny chunk of amethyst. On my left wrist went my rich royal blue lapis lazuli bracelet, and on my right, my @fitbit Sense 2, whose battery has already drained to 65%, after only 24 hours of use since its last charge. It recorded my sleep, 3 hours and 2 minutes, which only beat my average time of 2 hours and 51 minutes Fitbit says I’ve earned over the last month. Insomnia sucks.
I took my blood pressure this morning for the first time in about a year. It’s not too bad, considering I forgot to take my diabetes and blood pressure medication last night. I’m seeing my doctor on Monday, so I want to send him some numbers regarding my health and I’m disheartened to see everything going up. In addition to my high blood pressure, my blood sugar was crazy high today, and I’ve put on eleven pounds since reaching 191 earlier this year. I had emailed him last week, arguing that my antidepressant could probably be lowered but after today’s readings, how can I look up?
This was originally posted to Flickr and Instagram.