I’m determined to pump out a selfie every day now through September and beyond, but I know that this is something I’ve never been able to do for any sustainable length of time since I started this “subversive selfie project” over five years ago on January 1, 2020. Like everything I try to tackle, the inconsistency with my posting a daily selfie and written reflection seems to be the most consistent thing about this creative endeavour of photographic memoir.
But I digress.
This morning went by quickly, running errands which included getting a few groceries for Mum followed by another hospital appointment and then a rush to get to class. I hadn’t planned to be late, I did desire to manifest an entire day where I would actually be on time for once, but of course, that didn’t materialize. When I realized i was running behind, I did try to preemptively email my professor to ideally lessen any disappointment they might have had in my being twenty-four minutes late (as recorded in my @FourSquare Swarm check-in app when I sat down in the back of the class, before paying for parking). The professor was reviewing the course syllabus and had zero bones about pointing out how late I had come in was unacceptable when reviewing the section about attendance. Yes, for those who regularly follow this journal of mine, this is the same professor who refused to grant any extension for my summer class after I ended up in the emergency room for several days with a high fever and at the time my third leg infection of the last year. If I ever want to finish my degree, I need to pass a course with them and achieve a grade that’s at least a C or higher.
I ultimately got through the first class okay, and even contributed to the discussion when offered a chance to. But by the time I made it back to the hospital I was ready to sleep. I swear, these antibiotics are going to be the death of me.
This was originally posted on Flickr and Instagram.