I've finally finished entering all my movies into my Access Movie Database! Here's the final tally:

1. DVDs...

Number of DVD Titles: 1,292 Number of discs: 1,671 Number of LBS / Widescreen Titles: 1,022 Total Time in Minutes: 178,010 Total Time in Hours: 2,966.83

Total Number of Days to Watch the Entire Collection Nonstop: 123.62

Total Number of Days to Watch the Entire Collection while only watching 2 1/2 hours per day: 1,187

2. VHS Tapes...

Number of VHS Titles: 19 Number of VHS Tapes: 21 Number of LBX VHS Titles: 5 Total Time in Hours: 30.85

I'll probably update my online listing tonight or sometime in the next week. It's nice to have the database finished. I will tweak some of the forms I've created, and correct some enteries, but other than that the database is finished.

Time to make a backup!

- Steve