"Innovation as an approach to business growth is simply lazy. Actually it's worse than that; it's dangerous... So now we've got a bunch of companies that have forgotten all that boring stuff that made them successful in the first place and are getting into areas they don't know anything about and have no business being in at all. A lot of these companies are showing their commitment to this strategy by creating a new position: CIO. No, that's not Chief Information Officer. It's - yep, you guessed it - Chief Innovation Officer. And these CIOs are rattling on and on about how the company is "retooling" and "charting a new course" and "exploring new opportunities." And let's not forget about "driving double-digit top-line growth." The fact that all that top-line growth will probably come at the expense of the more important bottom line doesn't seem to bother anyone. Except me. - Sergio Zyman, former Chief Marketing Officer, Coca-Cola Company, in his book "Renovate Before You Innovate: Why Doing the NEW thing Might NOT Be the RIGHT Thing"
*** knocks on wood ***
Well, well, well. It's 1:52 am as I begin to write yet another blog entry. I've just re-installed for a 4th time, WINDOWS XP and I think this time, it's going to work. No virus alerts or problems arose this time. No stalls on install. No errors during install. I'm right now downloading again the first set of WINDOWS UPDATES, so we'll see how it goes. So far, it all downloaded ok, fast (as it should be - it was very slow after my 3rd install of the OS), and the installation itself seems to be going smoothly.
*** crosses fingers ***
I hope this works!
So my room is almost clean - I cleaned the closet, the bookcases, the desk, my night-tables, all that is left to sort and organize is the dresser and a bit of the desk which has become messy as I clean the other parts of my room. It smells a lot better too - less dusty.
I will finish early in the morning, I may stay up just installing stuff, I haven't decided yet. If I do I'll continue working on cleaning. We'll see.
I should sleep. And I'm kinda horny lol. I haven't bated in a few days due to being sick and all.
Ack. Now it wants to install a bunch of hardware lol. Which is good - but I don't want it to yet, not until the security updates are installed, oh, nevermind, XP installed it by itself. That's ok I guess lol.
Now installing update 17 of 20...
So far, so good.
I can't wait to get it working, I'll have an 80GB and a 120GB hard drive. I really wanna get a newer DVD burner, one that burns twice as much onto a DVD as the older ones, so I can get more stuff onto a DVD. So far, so good.
I was worried I may have to dump this whole system and start from scratch, but I tried something different on this 4th install, and it seems to have worked.
*** knocks on wood ***
I let Windows assign a random number at the end of the username, so that if there are any worms or viruses that sit out on the internet looking for my old username, well, it's not there anymore. That may be the key?
Found a couple of marketing books I didn't know I had, which is good - I wanted to read them and now I've moved them up to my to read pile.
Anyway, better get to bed or get something done or something other than type randomly into this blog that hardly anyone will probably ever read.
I so could use some chocolate!
But that's bad - I won't lose weight eating chocolate. I so wanna go on my bike ride!
- Steve
I hate my computer. I have a brand new hard drive, but somehow it's getting infected by a worm when I install Windows (this happened with my old drive too - but I thought I had found the fix). But it looks like I haven't, and now it won't even let me apply the old fixes that I did before - I'm trying everything here. How can this be happening? It won't even install windows updates properly. Nothing works. Why do people create viruses and worms? What's the point? I honestly don't see the benefit for anyone. Maybe I'm being really naive here but seriously, why bother? Do you have that much of no life that you have to sit around and be a pain in the ass to other people?
I did some searching online and found a program that may help - although my credit card is maxed out right now so I'm going to go to London Drugs and see if they have it. I also tried the McAfee Stinger program which did find a few viruses but removed all of them. I'm running it now after doing my 3rd reinstall of Windows. So far it's found nothing. I'm also visiting Microsoft Technet and downloading a fix that should work - this is the one that worked many moons ago when I first had this problem.
Thank-god my laptop that still works.
I got all the Monster Cable installed in my room. Still no TV until I get my computer up and running again. Grrr. I hope the fix works, it's rebooting right now... we shall see... *** crosses fingers ***
please please please please please please please please please be ok.
I really don't want to go to London Drugs to fork out another $40 - $80 on software.
so far, so good?
Going into Windows Update now. Hopefully it will work this time after the other fix I installed.
*** knocks on wood ***
the first updates are going ok... YEAH! YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED YOUR COMPUTER!
But the damn MESSENGER SERVICE thing is back on - which I always hated, and I forget how to turn it off. OMG SO ANNOYING. That is the next thing to be fixed. Time to turn the damn thing off!
WOOT! It seems to be working!
*** knocks on wood again ***
Now, I'm downloading more Windows Updates... *** waits ***
lots to download... also will have to start installing all my drivers, programs as well as all the udpates I have for my various programs. *** fun ***
So while it's downloading updates I'm going to go back to dusting my bookcase. I'm taking all the books off of each shelf and polishing each shelf one by one so it's nice and clean. I also want to re-arrange one of the shelves I have some texts on - move the texts to the top hmmm or to the bottom, I haven't decided yet. I want them to be more easily accessible, some of the texts I have - I brought some old accounting ones and business ones up that I want to review and I have had them on a shelf that becomes inaccessible when I have my drawing board in my room - so I'm going to move the texts to the top shelf so I can reach them and use them regularly.
my throat isn't sore anymore, well it is a tiny tiny bit, but not at all like it was. Still coughing up crap =S... but I think I'm over it. I hope to have a long nap later today.
- Steve
my birthday means..
Your Birthdate: April 15 |
With a birthday on the 15th of any month, you are apt to have really strong attachments to home, family and domestic scene.
The 1 and 5 equaling 6, provide the sort of energy that makes you an excellent parent or teacher. You are very responsible and capable. This is an attractive and an attracting influence. You like harmony in your environment and strive to maintain it. You tend to learn by observation rather than study and research. You may like to cook, but you probably don't follow recipes. This number shows artistic leanings and would certainly support an talents that may be otherwise in your makeup. You're a very generous and giving person, but perhaps a bit stubborn in ways. |
cold, sad and lonely
Added two polls to Trekweb: Who's your favorite Captain? and Who's the best Batman?. (To view, you may need to register with the Trekweb forums.) I've spent most of today trying to heal, taking Nyquil and Extra Strength Tylenol as well as my regular vitamins.
I've been a little down in the dumps lately. A little lonely. A huge part of me wants to wipe the slate clean and start afresh with relationships and acquaintances I've formed over the years.
In particular, the friendship that I once had with Sheila bothers me - we used to be great friends, maybe more (I'm not sure) - but one day, I know I got frustrated and I sent her some e-mails that definitely changed the dynamic. I was trying to be honest, and I don't even remember exactly what I said, but it upset her so much that she thought I was a horrible person. 2 years later, I don't even care who was right or who was wrong, it doesn't matter but it does hurt when I hear from a friend of mine who met her, and when they talked about Kwantlen and who they knew from Kwantlen when he asked do you know Steve and she answers unfortunately yes, that hurts. In the end, I think she is an amazingly smart, bright, fun, exciting young woman who I respect a lot - in spite of whatever words we had so many years ago.
And the student association has had such a long history of people backstabbing other people and saying horrible things about other people without trying to find the good in each person - the good that each person who gets involved in the student union of just wanting to do things better for students. I know I've been involved in that back and forth and I regret some of the things I've said. And it pains me that some of my closest friends have had some really horrible, cruel things said about them - and for what purpose? To what end? Definitely in never helped improve things one bit for any student.
I don't know why people have to be cruel and vindictive towards each other.
Why can't people get along better?
Maybe I'm being very naive now - I dunno, but I just want to try and improve relationships in my life, for what is right, for what is good. Even my relationship with my Mother feels strained today cause she wants my room cleaned up and I'm feeling like crap still because of my week long battle with the flu but she keeps nagging me about it. Why do mothers always have to nag? How do I make something positive out of that? I tell her to not worry about it, to just leave it alone, that I will organize it and clean it up but it doesn't matter to her.
anyway, I am going to try and start working on cleaning up my room - I got a new hard drive the other day, going to install it as the primary master and make the old one, that is giving me issues again - the secondary slave and just format it and hopefully it will not give me anymore issues. I also got some new Monster Cable which I will install in my room today so I can finally get some TV back going in my room and do some video editing. I had hookedup my room with Monster just after Christmas but then wanted to hookup our living room with Monster so I took all the stuff from my room and used it in the living room, and never bothered to replace what I'd raped from my own room. While I do that I can get in behind my desk and dust and really clean that all up, in behind all the components, etc. Then hopefully my Mom won't nag anymore. So wish me LUCK on the install of the new drive - hopefully it won't go awry. It takes a good day to install Windows and all the programs I use...