Summary of photos taken to date...

The following is an updated link list of all the before & after sets of pictures documenting the KSA cleanup... State of the KSA: November 1, 2006

State of the KSA: November 2, 2006

State of the KSA: November 4, 2006

State of the KSA: November 6, 2006

Surrey: Before the Cleanup

Surrey: After the Cleanup

Restoring the Social Justice Centre

KSA Cafe: Before the Cleanup

KSA Cafe: After the Cleanup

KSA storage locker(s): before the cleanup

KSA storage locker: after the cleanup

KSA Richmond: November 2005 / January 2006

A lot of work is left to be done - so some of the above sets will be updated (such as the cafe sets, the Surrey sets and the storage locker sets).


- Steve Lee