From my WORK BLOG... I've finally finished working on compiling the results of a large survey that was done in spring 2005. Here are the results of the 2005 surveys (the first two I did, the last one was done by Surrey Campus Council at that time):

- Spring 2005 Faculty Perceptions Survey Results

- Spring 2005 Student Perceptions Survey Results

- Spring 2005 Surrey Campus Council Survey Results

It took me forever and a day to finish the tally of results for the student and faculty surveys but I'm finally done and I'm pleased with the results. I had started compiling them but stopped in mid-2005 when things at the KSA started going downhill. Even though the data is two years old, I think you would find very similar results were the survey to be repeated today. The results of all three surveys will help inform a marketing and communications plan that I'm currently developing.