elections complaint launched

It wouldn't be a KSA election without a complaint from me, would it? I wasn't going to complain but ultimately I really do feel disenfranchised by the scenario outlined in my complaint about the by-election.

Ultimately, I am asking that polling be re-held for the campus specific positions. I am not asking for polling to be re-held for multi-campus positions or for the referendum as I feel that all students had a chance to fairly and properly vote in those situations.

I sent the complaint in approximately 15 minutes ago at 2:55 pm, Pacific Standard Time.

I would expect to have a response to my complaint within 24 to 48 hours.

As per KSA Regulations, after 4:00 pm Pacific Standard Time today, no other complaints may be submitted.

- Steve


From my WORK BLOG... I've been neglecting the blog again. And for that, I'm sorry.

I'm at home today as I'm feeling under the weather. Woke up this morning feeling very ill and after a few hours of sleep - no improvement.

White Rock Update

I've been doing what I can to help the group of students who want to save the White Rock Location. On Saturday, I attended a rally they organized at the location and about half a dozen or so students were out at that. A councillor from the White Rock City council also attended the gathering and is going to assist the group in sending a delegation to speak at the next council meeting. The group hopes to get motions / letters of support from the council. The group also plans to meet with other key groups to gather more support before meeting with Kwantlen officials. It's inspiring to see students getting together on this issue. They have a Facebook group with more than seventy members, and they have a diverse group of people with a lot of experience helping them out.

Legal update...

I have to get some more information to the forensic auditors within the next few days. The executive board also hopes to meet with the KSA's legal counsel to map out where we go once the forensic audit is complete. If anyone has any further questions on this process I encourage them to speak with Desmond Rodenbour, our General Manager or with Laura Anderson, our Chairperson of the Executive Board.

Marketing update...

My work on a marketing plan for the Society continues... I'll distribute a draft of the plan shortly.


I'm still waiting on the unofficial word from the CRO but from what I have heard it looks like that the referendum did not get enough votes to be legally binding. The Society Bylaws require that at least 250 ballots be cast for the results of a referendum to be binding on the society. So where the KSA goes from this point is in question. For example, if 220 ballots were cast and say 190 wanted the fee change to occur, should the KSA run the question again at a later date (as the BC government is doing with the STV system)? Or is the issue dead in the water? Those questions will be explored.


The campus is being sorely neglected. I was able to speak to some of the classes last week and they were not impressed with the KSA's lack of presence on the campus. To this end, the KSA has hired Arka Movsessian on to assist Sunny Kahlon in organizing a presence on the campus. With the new cafeteria and seating space now open, I'd like to see us move the foosball table and the ping pong table to that campus for use as soon as possible. I also hope the KSA can organize a BBQ, pancake breakfast and perhaps even a pub night at one of the local pubs in the very near future. And with the close proximity of the Cloverdale Campus to the Langley campus, there is definitely an opportunity for the KSA to look at organizing events that could be tailored and marketed to the populations of both campuses. In fact, the Chroncile recently wrote about the Cloverdale Campus:

Kwantlen students change atmosphere

That's about all for now.

- Steve

Fall 2006 General Election Documents Posted...

I've finally posted the Fall 2006 General Election Documents to the Kwantlen section of my website: http://www.steveleenow.net/kwantlen/elections/fall2006general/index.htm

On this page, I've tried my best to include copy of all complaints, attachments and rulings related to that election.

This page also includes various petitions and affidavits that lead to the very calling of this election and it includes some of the ones that were launched at the conclusion of the election.

This page is still a work in progress, as I still have a lot of things I want to post to it, but for now, there is enough on the page to keep those who are interested in reading all about it very busy for some time.

Back to the books,

- Steve


From my WORK BLOG... I've finally finished working on compiling the results of a large survey that was done in spring 2005. Here are the results of the 2005 surveys (the first two I did, the last one was done by Surrey Campus Council at that time):

- Spring 2005 Faculty Perceptions Survey Results

- Spring 2005 Student Perceptions Survey Results

- Spring 2005 Surrey Campus Council Survey Results

It took me forever and a day to finish the tally of results for the student and faculty surveys but I'm finally done and I'm pleased with the results. I had started compiling them but stopped in mid-2005 when things at the KSA started going downhill. Even though the data is two years old, I think you would find very similar results were the survey to be repeated today. The results of all three surveys will help inform a marketing and communications plan that I'm currently developing.



This question was raised on the KSA facebook group. Here is the answer I posted...

Wondering where the KSA spends its money?

Copy of the KSA budget that went forward for adoption in January is here:


The KSA didn't even have a budget in 2006! Here is a notice about the state of the 2006 audit from the auditors:


Here are the 2005 audited statements:


as well as the 2005 post audit memo:


Finally, the KSA has engaged Price WaterhouseCoopers to do a forensic audit. The interim report was released at the recent AGM:


A final report from PWC is due out soon (note that parts the interim report are subject to change).

Finally, students are welcome to join the finance committee and to comment on finances at the KUSA forums:
