Happy Canada Day

HAPPY CANADA DAY everyone! Today I started creating an ACCESS DATABASE to organize my DVD / VHS Collection. I'll have it indexed with a lot more information than a simple title listing. It'll have information on actors, directors, year a film was released, type of movie (documentary, drama, comedy, foreign, etc.), directors of photography / cinematographers, editors, writers and more. I hope it will help give me a more accurate count of the films in my collection.

Lisa Coan called me this morning, before she left for the wedding her family is going to, somewhere in the interior of BC I think. It made my day hearing from her, before she left - so sweet of her to call!

Watched The Pacifier last night. It was ok - cute, family movie - essentialy, it's Vin Diesel does Kindergarten Cop. Not as bad as I might have thought it would be, quite enjoyable actually.

Anyway, time to get ready to go out - going to meet some friends at Canada Place to take a look at the various celebrations going on.

- Steve