allergies - BLEH

allergies bug me a lot today. it SUCKS.

Did some work late last night and early this morning on my new MOVIES DATABASE, and it's coming along well. I spent a lot of time on what is the entire reason for doing the database - working on the reports that are generated from the information in the database. If I couldn't get the reports to list the information well, then I was going to abandon the database. But I got them developed and I'm happy. There are two things I want to do to the forms, but I couldn't figure out how to do them, so I posted a posting in The Office Experts forum and got most of the help I needed.

Watched the opening episode to season 2 of Battlestar Galactica, and found it to be stunningly amazing. What great television! I posted a POLL where Trekweb users can rate the episode, and so far the response to the episode is very positive.

Anyway, got more work to do - homework, KSA stuff, etc. etc. etc.

- Steve