well, since my last post, the oven racks are clean, so the oven itself is done. I've cleaned up about 75% of our cupboards and drawers, and I moved the kitchen table, vacuumed the rug under the table and then moved the rug to vacuum and wash the tiles in the eating area. I cleaned our bird's cage. When the tiles were dry, I put the rug back down, vacuumed it again, and then used our new mini carpet cleaner on it as our new dog has had a few accidents on it. In the morning we'll scotch guard the rug as it's fairly new, to protect it from possible future stains. Still have some more cupboards to do, but will finish in the morning. I just did the rest of the kitchen floor, vacuumed and washed it - but will probably have to redo it tomorrow after I finished the rest of the cupboards and drawers.
Bleh. So I’m a bit tired. Still have to clean up my tub before I can shower tonight – used it to clean the oven racks, soaked them in ammonia and warm water for a few hours, then went at them with S.O.S. pads.
Tomorrow I’ll finish everything in the kitchen and probably attack our closets and apartment storage areas. They aren’t dirty but could be better organized.
- Steve