Comment to this and I will assign you a letter of the alphabet. Then go to your journal and post a list of 10 words that begin with this letter and what they mean to you. I was tagged with the letter X, the twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet. I took this experiment one step further by finding fifteen words instead of ten.

And no, I'm not trying to show off ;P

1) X - Marks the spot (noun). 2) X - Roman Numeral 10 (noun). 3) x - an unknown quantity (noun). 4) X-Men - a team of mutant superheroes whose adventures, concerns and explorations highlight both the high and low points of human behaviour (noun). 5) Xanadu - thank-you Coleridge for your thoughts of an idyllic, exotic or luxurious place (noun). 6) Xavier - a Spanish Jesuit missionary (biographical name). 7) Xe / Xenon - a heavy colourless gaseous element (noun). 8) Xenocrates - a Greek philosopher (biographical name). 9) xenophobia - a fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners (noun). 10) xenotropic - replicating or reproducing only in cells other than those of the host species (adjective). 11) Xerox / xerox - photocopy (transitive verb). 12) Xiang - a Chinese river (geographical name). 13) Xmas - a horrible looking and sounding abbreviation of Christmas... etymology: X (the symbol for Christ, from the Greek letter chi (X), initial of Christos, Christ) + mas (in Christmas), (noun). 14) X-rated - explicit sexual material, activity, dreams or naughty thoughts (adjective). 15) X-ray vision - one of Superman's greatest powers based on the X-ray which allows us to look at our broken bones (noun).

Bonus points if you use three in a sentence (the funnier the better).

"As water flows down the Ziang, I've found that X-ray vision can be used by people to fulfill their X-Rated fantasies which have no place at the Xmas dinner table."