am I crazy? tonight, I purchased and some variants thereof... I want to start a wiki like but for the following TV-Shows:
Law & Order Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Trial By Jury The Beat Homicide: Life on the Street Hill Street Blues
And perhaps eventually expand it to include other shows such as perhaps - Murder One and NYPD Blue. It won't contain CSI as I never watch that show. Some of the above universes intertwine. Dick Wolf also had a short run of a show called DEADLINE, which was a fictional show about a newspaper which from time to time actually did cover some Law & Order stories and there were some crossovers - but I don't think that show is on DVD, so it may not happen.
I've never setup a wiki before. I was looking at the wiki site
and I downloaded the stuff. My host still has to setup the account to prep it for use, but it can use PHP and MySQL and it advertises that you can start a wiki using their site so we'll see. I have a friend who is setting up a wiki at work, for our internal use, I may bring him in to help out.
Overall, I think it could be very cool to have a wiki covering these shows.
Tonight, I bombed an exam - well not totally but I didn't do too hot. I'm hoping to do better in the future on the final as well as on the project. My internet marketing course is going very well - I'm pleased with my progress in that course (85% average so far).
I have a crapload of writing to catch up in...
time for bed.
- Steve