I rested yesterday cause I was feeling ill. Later in the day I did a lot of ironing yesterday. I was in the habit of washing my shirts but just hanging them... so I had all these shirts that were clean but wrinkled. So now I have a large assortment of shirts to chose from. I made waffles for dinner. The girl I left because she was taking too long on Friday night to get ready tried calling me twice yesterday, but did not leave a message. I still feel bad for what I did, but at the same time she needs a kick in the pants --- if people are kind enough to give you a ride somewhere, don't waste 45 minutes getting ready... or at least say you'll need that much time before you leave the car to go inside and get your stuff. Some of my friends think I need my head examined, cause I'm too easy going and nice to her - I guess it seems that I'll do anything for her and maybe she expects that.
Today... I don't know what I'm going to do. I need to get some cleaning and organizing done - in both my room and elsewhere in our apartment. I'll try and do a little of both. Right now, I'm updating my DVD database with some titles I purchased on Friday.
I also want to do some KSA stuff if I get the chance. I really want to update some of our procedures so I can bring them forward for adoption. We've been slowly re-adopting our procedures, but have not done that in awhile.
I wish it was sunnier outside. The weather sucks right now...
That's about it for now...
- Steve