Critics would give my life an A-!

Well, you certainly burned a lot of money to get here, didn't you? Not that it didn't pay off. Many have said that it's not possible to have a good film that incorporates everything, and your life is proof of that. It incorporates everything, but that doesn't make it exciting to watch. Amid the confusion there might be some plot, but one things for sure, everyone'll find something they want, from violence to romance. So the critics will love it, and the fans will hate it; the critics will accuse the fans of not being artistic enough, the fans will accuse the critics of being too psychotic. And amid all the namecalling, publicity for your movie will soar, reeling in record returns on the millions you spent blowing up those fourteen aircraft carriers. Well played, bud.

What rating would movie critics give your life?

Take Other Caffeine Nebula Quizzes

Quote of the Week: July 24, 2006

"This is hell. Today, in our times, hell must be like this. A huge, empty room: we are tired, standing on our feet, with a tap which drips while we cannot drink the water, and we wait for something which will certainly be terrible, and nothing happens and nothing continues to happen. What can one think about? One cannot think any more, it is like being already dead. Someone sits down on the ground. The time passes drop by drop." - Primo Levi, from his memoir "If This is a Man (Survival in Auschwitz)"

Comment to this and I will assign you a letter of the alphabet. Then go to your journal and post a list of 10 words that begin with this letter and what they mean to you. I was tagged with the letter X, the twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet. I took this experiment one step further by finding fifteen words instead of ten.

And no, I'm not trying to show off ;P

1) X - Marks the spot (noun). 2) X - Roman Numeral 10 (noun). 3) x - an unknown quantity (noun). 4) X-Men - a team of mutant superheroes whose adventures, concerns and explorations highlight both the high and low points of human behaviour (noun). 5) Xanadu - thank-you Coleridge for your thoughts of an idyllic, exotic or luxurious place (noun). 6) Xavier - a Spanish Jesuit missionary (biographical name). 7) Xe / Xenon - a heavy colourless gaseous element (noun). 8) Xenocrates - a Greek philosopher (biographical name). 9) xenophobia - a fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners (noun). 10) xenotropic - replicating or reproducing only in cells other than those of the host species (adjective). 11) Xerox / xerox - photocopy (transitive verb). 12) Xiang - a Chinese river (geographical name). 13) Xmas - a horrible looking and sounding abbreviation of Christmas... etymology: X (the symbol for Christ, from the Greek letter chi (X), initial of Christos, Christ) + mas (in Christmas), (noun). 14) X-rated - explicit sexual material, activity, dreams or naughty thoughts (adjective). 15) X-ray vision - one of Superman's greatest powers based on the X-ray which allows us to look at our broken bones (noun).

Bonus points if you use three in a sentence (the funnier the better).

"As water flows down the Ziang, I've found that X-ray vision can be used by people to fulfill their X-Rated fantasies which have no place at the Xmas dinner table."

I'm feelingfrozen

by pain

as dust floats and drifts collects and settles

silently around us

while softly covering life like a lonely and unseen winter snow

moving over a long drawn spread of forgotten time

which creeps as slowly as the sun rays reaching out

through double glass panes that rest vertically and ajar held in place high above that lonely sunday street

i miss u sb

do you still write on a page or screen of white

the thoughts that float through your head like that dust in the air

moving so gently and slowly as you lie in bed half awake and half asleep

covered by blankets and fuzzy pink cotton

and through the open pane a slight whisp of fresh

summer air breathes in and out

in and out in and out

slowly circulating with the light dust and those lazy rays of light

and you smile closing your while resting your eyes

to let the blue depths of your sweet soul soak in the world around you

as you lay on your back and wonder and dream

and do you ever wonder sb what it would be like

on a page of white to stand alone bathed in a soft warm light

standing there with me by your side and a knife in your hand

that falls and cuts through my soul

Finished the "Pictures of Life" section, as well as finally the "All About Me" section. I did updated two games, "Dots" and "Tic-Tac-Toe." I actually noticed I had direct links to the games on Tripod, so I had to update the links that went to those two games. There are about half a dozen other games on my site, so my apologies if you can't access them properly.

I may do the "Inspiration" page sometime later on today. If not, it'll get done next weekend, along with the "Crime Prevention" section, the "Humour," "Read" and "Watch" sections. I'll probably do everything except for the "Humour" section. The "Humour" section will be a weekend all to itself. But by the end of the month my entire site should be updated.

The nice thing is I'm noticing stuff that I didn't notice on Tripod. That is, some links and stuff I had relied on "" and only now am I discovering I had done that.

If I ever move my site again, it'll be easier.

We gave both our dogs baths today. Could be the last bath we ever give Angel. They are now both snuggled up in towels, resting in their cages. I'll let Angel stay in my room tonight, as it could very well be the last few hours I get to spend with her. I'll also take her for a very short morning walk when I'm up at 4am tomorrow. I sure will miss her a lot.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 4:30pm. Then have a group meeting, then get to come home.

I'm charging up some rechargable batteries (which everyone should use) and now I'm going to work on some other work. I also want to watch at least two hours of Shoah, and get a short walk in with the dogs.

- Steven